The Ask: In the past, U.S. Xpress had sent chocolate covered peanuts to customers and brokerage carrier partners. With everything that happened in 2020, we wanted to do more. So, instead of a tin of nuts, we made a significant monetary donation to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree initiative. How do we tell them we switched up their yearly holiday gift? A video distributed through email, social media, and posted on our customer-facing blog.
The Ask: Studies done by The Michigan Dental Association (MDA) revealed many Michiganders (that’s a real word) avoided visiting the dentist because of fear and lack of education. They asked us to create a series of videos as part of an educational campaign to remedy both. To help diminish the fear around going to the dentist, we told the story through the eyes of children—children whose parents work at the MDA. Our video producer and I spent two days on set working with the kids to get both scripted and non-scripted content. After working with an outside animator, we presented this to the client who couldn’t have been happier. The full length video, as well as a series of cut-downs and stills, are now live on social media, TV, and other platforms.
The Ask: STAINMASTER came to us with one simple ask—"sell carpet cleaner through a digital video." I, along with the rest of the creative team, developed three short digital videos to run side by side. I was primarily responsible for "The Chamber of Stains" (below) which performed so well on social media that the client asked us to cut it down to a :30 spot that they could air on TV. Sales boosted again after running it on TV, so it was run a second time and redistributed on social media. Over a year later, the client still references it, pushing us to meet the sales goals this video helped achieve.