ZEVIA: Valentine’s Day
The Ask: As a modern soda brand, Zevia is all about real ingredients. So, as part of the brand tone, they emphasize keeping things real. For example, when it comes to Valentine’s Day, it’s not all about big gestures, confessions of love, or impractical gifts society has deemed necessary. It’s about real love in this day in age - even if that’s just loving your dog. We sent valentine’s gifts to influencers, including a heart-shaped box of soda, a Valentine’s Day note, and tearable valentines to give out. They were encouraged to post on social about their surprise to help spread brand awareness and loyalty. We also created buzz on social media (including hosting a giveaway) and, wearing massive sandwich boards, interviewing people in specific places around LA (the gym, the farmer’s market, etc.) about what they think real love is all about.

ZEVIA: Flavor Launch
The Ask: Zevia launched a limited edition soda flavor for the fall: Salted Caramel. This campaign was intended to create buzz around the new flavor, drive trial, and ultimately encourage people to try and buy “always-on” flavors as well. The overall concept was to avoid “basic” fall - think pumpkin spice lattes, furry vests, and flannels before it’s even cold - and replace it with something completely new and real. As part of the launch, we created a PDP, sent out boxes to social media influencers (encouraging them to spread the word), posted content (including a giveaway) on social media, and sent out multiple emails to both tease and launch the product.